Cookies Policy

Cookies are small text files that websites send to your computer’s browser when you access the website. Our website uses cookies and upon visiting our site you will be invited to give consent that our system can place cookies on your computer. You can also set your web browser to reject cookies. Please refer to here for details on how you can control and/or delete cookies.

Cookies enable our system to recognize your computer every time you visit our website, enabling us to have an idea of your preferences – for example, what services or offerings you viewed – in order to enhance your user experience, and help us consider how we can improve our services to you.

None of this information that we collect in this way will be sold or disclosed to any other party unless required by law

What Cookies Do We Use?

There are different types of cookies used for different purposes. The cookies we use are listed below:

a. Analytics Cookies

We use analytics tools to help us understand how you use our site. Such analytics tools do not provide Azeus with any personal information that reveals your actual identity. They tell us things like how you arrived at the site, if you have visited before, how long you stay on the site, and which pages on the site you visited. They can also provide us with general information about where in the world a user may be located. This information helps us understand how people use the site and gives us information about the kind of experience people have on our site.

Currently we use Google Analytics

List of Cookies used by Google Analytics:

Used to distinguish users.
(Expires: in 2 years)

Used to distinguish users.
(Expires: 24 hours)

Used to throttle request rate.
(Expired in 1 minute)

You may opt out of third party tracking by Google Analytics by visiting the following page:

b. Advertising Cookies

We partner with third parties to manage our advertising on other sites. Our third parties may use technologies such as cookies to gather information about your activities on the site and other sites you visit in order to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests.

Currently we use: Google Advertising:

Used for serving targeted advertisements that are relevant to you
(Expires: 2 years)

Besides Google Analytics, we also collaborated with LinkedIn Insight Tags to understand your activities better.

BizoUserMatchHistory, BizoID
LinkedIn Ad analytics
(Expires: 6 months)

Used for routing
(Expires: 1 day)

Used for routing
(Expires: 1 year)

Used for displaying language
(Expires: When the browsing session ends)

c. Features and Services

We use Olark Chat to provide CiT Helpdesk with online support chatroom.

Olark Chat

List of Cookies used by Olark Chat:

A visitor identifier that we use only on your site to remember this visitor between visits
(Expires: 2 years)

A session identifier that we use only on your site to keep track of a single chat session
(Expires: When the browsing session ends)

Storage identifier that we use to maintain chat state across pages (e.g. message history)
(Expires: 2 years)

Most recent Olark site ID (security measure)
(Expires: When the browsing session ends)

Extra state information (e.g. chat box being open or closed)
(Expires When the browsing session ends)

The Olark loader version (for improved caching)
(Expires: When the browsing session ends)

Used for allowing customer to chat to topflight staff
(Expires: When the browsing session ends)